sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Leidy Paola Sanchez Motta 


The next is a real story. This is a school located in rural area, children who attend this are poor and some of them live far away. I have the opportunity to teach part of the acquired knowledges the English language  are very fun, spontaneous, cheerful, intelligent children but do not have any knowledge about this language.
Area: English        Time: 2 hours weekly        Total: 20 hours        Period 1

Institution: Educativa Municipal Montessori
Number of students: Second grade:  Twenty (20) students- Third grade: Fifteen (15) students
Average age: About eight years old
Grade: Second and third grade
English learning need or topic to be taught: The most needed topics to be taught are:

·         The alphabet          
·         Varied clothes
·         Colors
·         Fruits
·         Drinks
·         General food
·         Countries- Nationalities
·         Spelling known words

Previous knowledge: They are very intelligent children but do not have any knowledge about this language, since it has never been given them known
Web 2.0 tool to create the activity: I have chosen Prezi https://prezi.com/  as the web 2.0 tool to make my activity and give to my students the aid to improve their English skills and knowledge.

Objective of this activity: Introduce to my students basic issues of English language in an easy and interactive way in which they recognize their skills and are interested in learning this language, making use of Web 2.0 tools and the opportunities that this offer us.

Copy and paste the following links: 

1. Prezi presentation link:

2. Practical Activity link: http://www.educaplay.com/es/recursoseducativos/1877832/tenses_in_english.htm

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