sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Yarisa Paola Muñoz Hoyos 


·         Institution: Normal Superior Sagrado Corazon de Jesus.
·         Number of students: 10 student.
·         Average age: 3-4 years.
·         Grade: pre- escolar
·         English learning need or topic to be taught: The colors
·         Previous knowledge: students know the writing of the primary colors, but ignore the            pronunciacionde both primary and secondary colors.

·         Web 2.0 tool to create the activity: for the explanation of this theme I will implement prezzi tool to make learning more meaningful considering you this is an innovative tool that can be made excellent presentations.

·         Objectives of the activity:
1. Ensure that the student adequately assimilate the content.
2. Increase vocabulary of learners.
3. Improve the pronunciation of students, through the exercise of language.
4. Recognize the primary and secondary colors, so that the student is able to write and pronuciarlos correctly.

Copy and paste the following links:

1. Prezi presentation link: https://prezi.com/uq7q2nz5lygb/using-web-2o-tools/

2. Practice Activity Link:

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