sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Cristian Camilo Murcia


Institution (Real)
Institución Educativa Humberto Muñoz Ordoñez
Headquarter: Central School
Number of students
30 (Thirty)
Average age
9-10 years old
Grade (if it is a school)
4th. (Fourth).
English learning need or topic to be taught
The students present different learning needs but in this case we are going to talk about the vocabulary. In this vein, The topic to be taught is: vocabulary about the weather and seasons.
Previous knowledge
The students have a lot previous knowledge about the topic to be taught, mainly some words such as sun, water, rain, frozen, and hot, taking into account that they are children. Besides, students know the alphabet which it is very important for the activity that I want to develop with the students.

Web 2.0 tool to create your activity (choose from point 2)
I am going to use the tool Prezi to develop the topic to be taught.
The objective of this activity is meanly to develop in the students the abilities to do the next things: 
·         Express what the weather like in their real context is in oral and write way.
·         Learn the most used words related with the weather of their context.
·         Write correctly spelling about those words.
·         Write sentences talking about the weather and the seasons.

Copy and paste the following links: 

1. Prezy Presentation Link:

2. First Practical Activity link: 

3. Second Practical Activity link:

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